Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Power of Child Art

Paul Reynolds came across this nifty site and the lovely work of Suzie Arrington who is commissioned by folks to take their kid's art and turn it into a jewelry keepsake. I was chattin' with Bob Flynn at the FableVision party last night about her work and the power of children's art. If you want to get more inspiration from children's art - check out a great group - the International Child Art Foundation in Washington, D.C. My friend, Ashfaq Ishaq, is the director of this great group. Notice he has "Ish" in his name! 

UPDATE: Suzie is "Suzy", and this is her KidO's website


Bob Flynn said...

Great find, Paul and Pete!

Here's a link to the International Child Art Foundation

Test Blog said...

What's the link for the jewelry woman?

Bob Flynn said...

I emailed Pete and was able to track down her website: